Welcome everyone! I’m happy to be joining Altenew in their Blog Hop for the July 2019 release. There are so many great new products. I will be showing what I’ve created using some of them.
Всем добро пожаловать! Я с радостью присоединяюсь к блог-хопу Altenew, который посвящен июльскому релизу. Вышло столько прекрасных новых продуктов. Я покажу, что я создала с помощью некоторых из них.
Newly released products are available at Altenew Online Store:
Новые продукты доступны в онлайн-магазине Altenew:
Если вы хотите приобрести их в России, вы можете сделать запрос на поставку новинок в интернет-магазине «Бумажный кораблик».
Card 1
Altenew Products / Материалы:
- Pen Sketched Flowers Stamp Set new!
- Artist Markers
- Obsidian Pigment Ink
- Essential Black & White 6×6 Paper Pack
Card 2
Altenew Products / Материалы:
- Crystal Frames Stamp Set new!
- Crystal Frames Die Set new!
- Cool Summer Night Dye Ink Set
- Pocketful of Sunshine Enamel Dots
Card 3
Altenew Products / Материалы:
- Crystal Frames Stamp Set new!
- Crystal Frames Die Set new!
- Watercolor 36 Pan Set
- Pocketful of Sunshine & Red Cosmos Enamel Dots
Continue hopping! / Продолжайте движение по блог-хопу!
If you came to me from Hussena Calcuttawala’s blog, you are in the right place! If you are just happening upon my blog, be sure to head to Altenew Card Blog to start from the beginning. Once you have checked out my inspiration your next stop will be
Если вы пришли из блога Hussena Calcuttawala, то вы на верном пути! Если вы просто зашли в мой блог, то начало блог-хопа вы найдете в блоге Altenew Card Blog. Когда вы прочитаете мой пост, вас ждет следущий блог:
Prizes / Призы
To celebrate this release, Altenew is giving away a $50 gift certificate to 6 lucky winners! Please leave a comment on the Altenew Card Blog and/or Altenew Scrapbook Blog by 7/16/2019 for a chance to win. Altenew will also draw a winner to receive a $20 gift certificate from the comments left on each designer’s blog on the blog hop. All winners will be announced on the Altenew blogs on 7/18/2019.
В честь нового релиза Altenew подарит сертификат на сумму $50 шести счастливчикам! Для участия в розыгрыше оставьте комментарий в блоге Altenew Card Blog и/или Altenew Scrapbook Blog до 16 июля 2019. Также будут разыграны сертификаты на $20 из комментариев в блоге каждого дизайнера-участника блог-хопа. Результаты будут объявлены в блогах Altenew 18 июля 2019.
Спасибо, что читаете и оставляете комментарии!

Imaginative shaker. Great idea!
Your cards are great. Great design and style. I really love the shaker card and the colors as well. So pretty.
Gorgeous cards. I especially love the first one — beautiful style, beautiful colors, beautiful coloring.
Love the pretty shaker!
Beautiful colors and card designs. I like that you made a shaker with this frame.
So neat the way you used the crystal frame stamp as a background with the die as the focal point. Thanks for sharing your beautiful creations.
Gorgeous cards. I especially love the shaker. Unique use of the crystal frames. Very nice!
I really love Card #3. Nice and bright and cheery. Great use of the dies! Thanks for the inspiration!
Oooo, a shaker. That’s fantastic. Everyone needs a little shake shake every now and then. Love all the cards, but that one is my favorite.
Wonderful cards, the crystal frames die and stamps look like lots of fun and you showcased it so well with the cards…and the shaker is wonderful!
WOW! very nice cards. Your coloring was beautiful and I really liked your shaker card! Thanks for sharing your talent.
Beautiful cards! I really like the ones with the crystal frames.
TFS your wonderful cards! Love the shaker.
Pretty cards! I love the way you used the Crystal Frames die to make the shaker card!
Your cards are so lovely!
Great shaker card! Very nice layering. Thank yout for the inspiration.